
    Northern Revenue Division Profile

    Sl No. Particular Detail
    1 Name of the Division Northern  Division, Odisha, Sambalpur.
    2 Date of its creation Notification No.10838/P&C dtd.30.8.1957
    3 Geographical Area 55314 Sq.K.M
    4 Total Forest Area
    5 Total Population (as per Census-2011) 1,20,35,361
    a Male 6,10,8312
    b Female 5,92,7049
    c S.C. 1,97,2983
    d S.T. 3,55,0796
    e O.C. 6,51,1582
    6 Percentage of S.C. 16.39
    7 Percentage of S.T. 29.5
    8 Density of population per Sq. K.M. 217.58 (218)
    9 Total No.of Districts 12
    10 Total No.of Sub-Divisions 25
    11 Total No.of Tahasils 96
    12 Total No.of Blocks 95
    13 Total No.of Municipal Corporation 02
    14 Total No.of Municipality 18
    15 No.of N.A.Cs 16
    16 No.of Police Stations 182
    17 No. of G.Ps 1978
    18 No. of Revenue Villages 13593